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Info & FAQs


It is best to book your Newborn Session nice and early (perhaps in your second trimester) to avoid disappointment, as I only take a certain number of bookings each month. You will be booked in according to your due date. Once bub arrives contact me at your earliest convenience - within 48 hours where possible. We can then book your session for when bub is between 5-14 days old. We schedule your sessions in the early days as the first two weeks is when bub is often the sleepiest and moved easily without waking. This means less time settling and more time capturing those beautiful baby features and details when we can still achieve those beautiful "curly" poses. The more days that pass, the more awake time they have and the more alert they become which means spending more time feeding and settling them back to sleep. 


A $200 non - refundable Session Fee retainer per session booked or $350 for two sessions combined.




What to expect and what to wear in your Newborn Session:


My studio is a clean and safe environment. Your baby's safety is my number one priority so I will only ever pose them with you, on my specially designed newborn posing bean bag and in props that are safe.

I  have a large range of props including blankets, wraps, bowls, baskets, outfits, beanies, headbands and more. If you wish to bring along something that is special to you, I am more than happy to incorporate it into your session where possible, with baby's safety first and foremost in mind.


I also include baby's parent/s and sibling shots too. Please inform me prior to the session if siblings are included so I can prepare. I like to do sibling photos first while they are still interested in the new surroundings. 


Clothes best suited to photos with your newborn include plain clothes such as Dad wearing a simple white, black or cream top and jeans or chinos with Mum fairly similar in a white, black or cream top or a dress if that's more your style. Please bring these ironed on a hanger. We will pop these aside until it's family time and they may get creased before we need them. Mum, its highly likely your hands will make it into the photos, so please don't forget those nails. 

For siblings, plain colours work best, preferably with no prints or anything that will detract from your newest addition. I suggest a plain white top with jeans or a sweet little dress for girls. Whites, creams, greys or neutrals generally work best for these. I know these are your photos and your memories so I am happy to make recommendations but the final decision is yours. 


Your session will usually last around 2-4 hours so please come with every intention of being able to relax and watch your little one/s create a lifetime of special memories. I don't want to rush and I always make sure baby is as comfortable as can be.


Please feel free to bring a book, magazine, ipad, laptop or anything else you may like to relax with.




Session Tips:


These are just a few important tips to help make a successful session.


  1. MILK MILK MILK. This is the most important thing to bring other than baby.


  2.  Please be prepared to feed baby during the session to settle, so please come ready with whatever you require for this.              Bottles, formula or simply just mum. Bub can sometimes want to feed more than usual during this session time as                      it's a warm room and a sleeping baby may not enjoy being moved frequently.


  3.  To ensure a sleepy baby, if possible, please try to feed just before leaving for the studio so he/she has a full belly and              hopefully a wet nappy before we start. I may also ask if you can give a little top up when you arrive, just to keep bub nice          and snoozy.


  4.  We will stop for a break whilst feeding, so pop a snack in your bag if you need. 


  5.  Try to fit baby in loose clothing and nappy to avoid any marks on the skin. Also clothes that are easy to get on and off is              preferable if possible. I do try my best to minimise movements to avoid upsetting your little one.


  6.  Please bring a dummy if you wish as this can be very helpful to settle baby during the session. Even if you aren’t using              one regularly it can really help throughout the session.


  7.  The studio is kept quite balmy to ensure baby stays warm (especially for those nuddy shots) so please dress yourselves            with this in mind. Layers can be removed as you need.  


  8.  Please come to enjoy this time and relax or even take a nap if you need.




After the Session:


I usually post a sneak peak within the first day or two - reignite that excitement of seeing your beautiful baby posed with the cutest little props. Within the first week, you will receive your full gallery with proof edits for you to choose your selected number of images. This gallery will be available for two weeks for you to choose your selection. Once your selection has been made I will then do the final edits, getting rid of stray hairs, blemishes etc. If there are small alterations you'd like made, please let me know. Your images will then be sent to my selected printer of choice and I will contact you for collection when they are ready. 




Should you require any further information, please do not hesitate to call, text or email me any time. I will get back to you as soon as I possibly can. Remember, this is such a special and unique time in your lives and the last thing you need to worry about is this session. So please relax, enjoy yourselves and let me know of any concerns or queries you may have. 


I hope you feel comfortable and relaxed in my studio. I look forward to getting to know you and your little one and I know just how lucky I am to document this part of your journey.


Thank you for stopping by. 


Vanessa XX



©2019 Perth Maternity, Newborn, Children, Family Photographer      Vanessa Q Photography

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